BattleHand Wikia

Legendary version of this card is here: Healing Oils (L)

Stat Details[]

Star Evo Level Min Level Value Max Level Value Trigger Chance
0 89 2511 25%
1 2009 4431 35%
2 3767 6189 45%
3 5447 7869 55%
4 7083 9505 65%

Evolve Details[]

Stars SRWC Sands Evo Jars Gold
0 ⇒ 1 1 20

Honey: 26
Fireflies: 6
Magma: 2

1 ⇒ 2 2 30

Honey: 40
Fireflies: 20
Magma: 12

2 ⇒ 3 4 40

Fireflies: 26
Magma: 16
Phoenix Feather: 8

3 ⇒ 4 5 60

Fireflies: 26
Magma: 20
Phoenix Feather: 12


Card History[]

Healing Oils was introduced in the 1.1.0 update and was available as a reward for finishing in the top 25 on the King's Arena leaderboard in early July 2016.
This reward card appears in the current GW rotation: Jul31-to-Aug4
